The Directorate enters Steame Teacher Academy Network 


We are pleased to inform you that from April 2024 the Directorate of Secondary Education of Piraeus is now an exploitation associate partner of the Erasmus+ STEAME Academy

The project aims to establish the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies Network, consisting of 14 diverse organizations from 9 countries, focused on improving teacher education policies and practices in Europe. By creating networks and communities of practice, the project will bring together providers of initial and continuing teacher education, as well as relevant stakeholders, to develop effective and transferable strategies and programs for professional learning. The collaboration will also enhance European and international collaboration in teacher education through innovative partnerships between teacher educators and school teachers, promoting blended training programs and addressing key EU priorities. The project will test models of mobility and establish the European Federation of STEAME Teacher Academies to foster sustainable collaboration and inform teacher education policy makers.

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