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Hellenic Republic
Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs
Elefteriou Venizelou 35, 18534, Piraeus, Greece



Rethinking Democratic Awareness and Collective
Responsibility for a whole-school approach

No agreement: 2015-1-EL01-KA201-013930 financed by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus Plus Program,

 Key Action 2 – “Strategic Partnerships”, National Greek Agency.

Duration: 3 years

Starting date: 01/09/2015

Ending date:  31/08/2018


The Project’s Consortium

Directorate of Secondary Education of Piraeus, Greece greek-flag
Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation of the University of Piraeus, Greece greek-flag
European University of Cyprus, Cyprus cyprus-flag
Ionidios Model Experimetal Lyceum, Greece greek-flag
9th Gymnasium of Piraeus, Greece greek-flag
1st Epal of Piraeus, Greece greek-flag
Associated school partners from Ukraine, Russia, Georgia georgia-flag ukraine-flag greek-flag
Lycée «JULES VERNES», Sartrouville, France greek-flag
A network of Greek schools greek-flag



DEMOKLEOS consists of a harmonious set of Universities, schools and associations and is well distributed throughout Europe, from Finland to Turkey. It is composed of a highly productive combination of schools, universities and a civil society association. From a pedagogical point of view, it is obvious that this project has a great potential, as it covers the whole educational range.

The Acronym


The Acronym DEMOKLEOS is based on the etymology DEMOS = meaning whole citizen living and Kléos = fame. Kléos is a term used in epic Homeric poetry that means immortal fame. A Homeric hero can earn kléos through his courage. A monument can bring kléos, as can reports of one's offspring's virtuous deeds. Achilles himself says it in Iliad (Rhapsody 9, line 413): “I’m going to die, but this story will be like a beautiful flower that will never wilt”. In ancient Polis (the City), Democracy was inextricably linked to kléos, or fame. This innovative form of government offered ordinary citizens the opportunity of writing their name in history through active participation in the Assembly. The citizens of the ancient cities exercised sovereignty in their city. Kléos lay very near the core of the Greek value system during the centuries.

DEMOKLEOS has taken into account from its first steps during the submission period the manifold threats to the democracies: extremism of a political, nationalist and religious nature, corruption of elites, terrorism and control of the media prompt political leaders to build regulatory barriers that may encroach on the sphere of individual liberties, which are pillars of democracy. Checks and balances are therefore necessary to guard against authoritarian excesses and preserve democracy.

about-logo-2General objectives

In rethinking Democratic Awareness, we should not forget that the threats to Europe's citizens are becoming more varied and increasingly cross-border in nature.

DEMOKLEOS acknowledges the vital and crucial role of education professionals in prevention and change and builds on the convergence of competences: specialist and subject-specific Democratic Competences, according to the model of the Council of Europe, need to be complemented by transversal skills and attitudes of pupils, such as leadership, e-democracy skills, citizenship skills, critical debating and learning to learn.

DEMOKLEOS is prepared as a follow-up, according to a needs analysis, data collected and the demands of the teachers of all the participant partners to be better empowered to the politics of despair, straightly affecting educational community in Europe.

The overall objective is related to current challenges to which European school has to adopt a pro-active attitude and handle Democratic Awareness and Collective Responsibility as a social ethic.

DEMOKLEOS must adapt to the realities of the 21st century which sees the citizens requesting greater participation in public decision-making, an aspiration heightened by the emergence of the new information technologies and the social networks.



1. Generation DEMOKLEOS possesses adequate knowledge, understanding, skills attitudes to face efficiently the contemporary challenges when they arise, at the local, national, regional or international level.
2. Also GENERATION DEMOKLEOS is aware that it is possible with our own choices attitudes to influence and produce important structural changes.
3. GENERATION DEMOKLEOS is the generation of the digital democracy and the political literacy, the most powerful antibiotic against the crises of Democracies of every era.
It is nonetheless evident that political actors and institutions need to be more attractive so as to stimulate greater participation of the young generation in classical and digital forms of
political life.

Our Strategic lines

• To make DEMOKLEOS a solid idea, integrated within the educational institutions, and with a real possibility of continuation and expansion.
• To design a scheme which proves to be ‘possible, easy and powerful’, so that it can be expanded towards other Universities/schools and/or other countries.
• To design and implement a basic structure which is easy to manage and develop.
• To run the process initially with the core partners to pilot, test and improve the scheme.


Project Approach

The key-words to apply to our approach of the project would be: multi-perspective and multi-level; interactive and intercultural; empirical and experiential. The DEMOKLEOS project will use a multi-perspective, multi-level approach based on continual interaction between all partners. As a consequence, the elaboration of the DEMOKLEOS tools will have a highly productive exercise in deliberation and reflection, supported by empirical experience in different school settings. As we all know, empirical experience becomes operational knowledge once it has been subjected to reflection and put into words.

DEMOKLEOS whole school approach

Our whole school approach addresses issues of democracy on a range of levels, from teacher competences and classroom methodologies to school ethos and governance, and the contribution of community partnerships. The whole-school approach can be considered as the ‘Gold standard’ of mainstreaming Democratic Awareness into education.
In practice developing a “whole school” approach to democratic education, means combining formal and non formal teaching with opportunities for democratic experience in the classroom, in the school in general, and strengthening the school’s links with its wider community.
Throughout the three years of the project, there will be a succession of alternating periods of work conducted by the partners in their own environments - for designing experimenting and disseminating - and general meetings to bring experiences together, to study quality evaluations, to draw conclusions and to decide on further developments.


about-logo-4Blended learning based on:

• On-line training using e-learning platforms.
• In-class training.
• Face to face training for teachers and school teachers organized by the host partners in different countries.
• Workshops and exercises facilitated by the trained teachers.
• Public seminars and Conferences are held in various countries to present the DEMOKLEOS products.

Project’s OUTPUTS

To make our objective attainable, the DEMOKLEOS partners have chosen to produce reference tools which can be used at various levels by teachers, educators, teacher trainers, school-leaders, parents and the students themselves.
Our results are directly connected to our objectives: DEMOKLEOS provides relevant and effective tools to promote the introduction of European knowledge and democratic competences in the national education systems.

1. E-learning platform
2. Our e-learning courses, aim to develop a broader understanding of how the concept of democracy has been understood and applied. It is aimed that the teachers will develop the ability to understand and comment on the mechanisms that underlie the existing conceptual diversity, as well as the ways of democratic transitions.
   a) Learning and teaching about Democracy(ies) in Theory and Practice.
   b) Developing the pupil’s view of the world – Society, Culture and Politics in History
   c) We are all equal. Democratization in a Global Context.
   d) Culture of Discussion – Practicing Communicating and Debating about controversy.
3. E-democracy tools for teachers in the classroom.
4. Interactive game about e-democracy for students.
5. Pedagogical Handbook of best practices to employ e-democracy tools in the classroom.
6. Online pedagogical tools against hate speech and discrimination.
7. E-book "Straight in the European Parliament”.
8. An “Educational Kit on Human Rights and Climate Change”.
9. A cartoon created online by school students “Media Freedom Country Ambassadors”.
10. Teaching for a Change. An educational guide for Open Roads to Democracy(ies) in European school.
11. Extremism and 'Prevent': the need to trust in Democratic Awareness and Political Literacy in school education is a research to be conducted in the partner’s countries.
12. Best Practices Manual on Democratic Key Competences for teacher professionalism.

Our framework will serve to different educational systems

The Democratic Key Competences framework of DEMOKLEOS will be offered as a set of non-binding guidelines and recommendations to the member states, which will be able to use and adapt the framework to their own education system.


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