
The planned activities and work schedule according to the Internationalization Strategy of the newly established European and International Programs Office of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Peiraias was presented by its three Officers, Ms M. Karyotaki, Educational Advisor for Economics at the Directorate, Dr E. Tsourapa, Greek Language teacher and former programs specialist at the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation and Ms K. Christodoulou, English Language teacher, Erasmus+ academic and organizational coordinator at Ralleio Lykeio and UNESCO certified Individual Specialist. The training event was organized by the Head of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Peiraias Dr Dionysios Anastasopoulos on 5th and 6th September 2023.

The school directors present were informed about the Directorate’s intention to submit an application for Accreditation as Erasmus+ National Consortium Coordinator with local schools as members and the benefits of this initiative for schools, teachers, students and local societies were explained. The directors were also informed about practical matters and necessary actions to include their schools in the National Consortium. 

Finally, regarding the international aspect, the directors were informed of UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) and the benefits deriving for schools-members. Specific mention was made to the Network’s international and national operation through concrete actions to promote the ideals of UNESCO valuing rights and dignity, gender equality, social progress, freedom, justice and democracy, respect for diversity and international solidarity with three clear priorities: education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning. 

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